How to increase Telegram post views?
There are other ways to communicate with members of your group or channel other than via text. On Telegram, you also have the option to send posts which all your members can see. These posts can be photos, videos and files such as mp3 files. Now all these types of posts can get views. These views have a lot of benefits, and your goal should be to get a lot of them. One of the benefits of having good posts with a lot of views is that you can make money on Telegram with them. But how do you create a good post you may ask? We will teach you all the tips you need so that you can increase your Telegram post views.
Use relevant hashtags

One of the most important things you need in your posts are hashtags. Hashtags are a word that is directly after a “#”. These hashtags are clickable and can be found on the Telegram search bar. These hashtags can help you get found outside of your Telegram group or channel. It is important to use hashtags that fit your posts so that they are relevant. Telegram will also boost posts that use relevant hashtags so make sure that you use them in all your posts.
Use high-quality visuals
Especially your video and picture posts have to be of good quality otherwise they will be ignored by a lot of potential viewers. If you have a business or a brand it is a good idea to make your posts in your own branding. This brings trust and familiarity for the viewers. Another benefit when having good visuals is that it will create interactions within your group or channel. Users are more likely to share or comment on a visual that is good looking and professional. This will generate you more views in the long-term.
Also, don’t add a lot of text in your visuals. It is better to have a clear visual with a good description and hashtags. This makes it look way cleaner and easier to see. You can download copyright free pictures or videos on a lot of websites for free. Just make sure that you give them your own touch!
Promote it on different platforms
Sharing your Telegram posts on other media platforms can be a very good way to promote it. You can share these on different platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube. Via these platforms, you can grow your follower base and convince them to go to your Telegram group or channel if they haven’t already.
Make sure that you do this often and not just once. You can start by sharing the actual link to the post or links to your Telegram group or channel. You can also give weekly updates on your other social media platforms about your Telegram group or channel. This way, you spread out your audience and you can bring in new members via different platforms other than just Telegram.
Schedule your posts
Probably the most important factor is to keep posting on a regular basis. Make your own schedule and try to post every other day if you are just starting. You can analyze the performance of these posts and adjust the schedule based on that. Once you see that you get a lot of views on a specific day, you should post more on that day or make more special announcements on that day.
Another good way to schedule your posts is by making announcements before you post a video or picture. By doing so, you will have members waiting for your posts which can boost your post engagement and post views. Also, make sure to post on times that your audience is the most active. You don’t want to post when most of your members are sleeping.
Get more Telegram channel members

Getting more Telegram members is a good way to increase your views. This is not only beneficial for channels but also for groups. Because at the end of the day, the more members you have, the more views you get.
You can do this by for example inviting your friends in your Telegram group or channel. They can interact with your posts and generate more engagement and views. Getting started like this can really help your channel grow. When your posts have more views and interactions, they look more interesting and trustworthy to others. Plus, asking your friends to share your channel with their networks can help you reach even more people. Read on to learn how to get more Telegram members for your channel.
Buy Telegram post views
Buying Telegram post views is a good way to give your posts the boost they need. By doing this, you can reach members that you couldn’t reach otherwise. This of course doesn’t need to be expensive because you can get affordable Telegram views at StreamElevate.
By purchasing Telegram post views, you can save a lot of time and effort. You will receive them right away without having to spend your valuable time on doing marketing. You can combine bought Telegram views really well with the organic ways that we talked about in this post.
If you need any more tips that we have not discussed in this blog, feel free to contact us!
FAQs about increasing Telegram views
How can I get more views on my Telegram channel?
Stay active with your audience, share fun and interesting posts, and give your Telegram channel a shoutout on your other social media platforms.
Can I see who viewed my story on Telegram?
Yes, you are able to see who viewed your story on Telegram at any time. However, people with Telegram premium have the option to go “stealth mode”. This lets them remove their views so you won’t be able to see if they have watched your story.